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tv   ABC7 News at 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  March 11, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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you lied to me? i helped you, and... you ruined everything. erica will be so disappointed in them. captioning sponsored by universal studios domestic television captioned by media access group at wgbh (wolf howling) saiz.
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>> billboard mass erred terd on muni buses in san francisco. is this free speech too far. >> drug abuse not in back alley but at the pharmacy counter which state lawmakers want to do to stop that. >> plus i worry about my kid every day she goes out of the house. >> concern about crime in oakland. but we explain what happened today that has some local activist optimistic about the future. >> bold move by hacker to be sure from hillary clinton to the vice president. what cybervandal are doing with [ boy 1 ] hey! that's the last crescent. oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin with totino's pizza rolls. and now when you buy one 40-count bag, instantly get a free bottle of sun drop or sunkist soda. it's on. let's roll.
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instantly get a free bottle of sun drop or sunkist soda. dad: you excited for day? ♪ dad: you'll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty. ♪ i'm overprotective. that's why i got a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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>> good evening i'm dan ashley. debate over free speech versus hate speech takes a new twist exploratorium city leaders are deannouncing new round of muni bus ads they say apartment muslim and they contain powerful images and inflammatory language. as caroline explains, city officials are trying to counter with a campaign of their own. >>reporter: next time you step on board a san francisco muni bus, this ad might greet you. it shows osama bin laden the burning twin towers and the jihad what is yours, the line. this is the latest from the efense initial. >> i do not believe these ads in any way say that all muslim support jihad but there have been over 20,000 deadly islamic attacks since 9/11. there's a problem. and we need to talk about it. >>reporter: her organization successfully sue add new york city transit agency when it tried to ban similar ads. that's why muni feels legally
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obligated to accept them. >> even though we disagree with the content of the ad we don't think it's right to use taxpayer dollar to litigate. >>reporter: today san francisco leaders and bay area muslim americans condemn the messages calling them islam faux phobic and offensive. >> we are hear standing together to denoups the ads. there is no place in san tran for bigot and racism. >> makes them up comfortable to ride the bus. makes them worry about their safety. makes them think twice how people are looking at them. >> early this year the council on american islamic relation placed its own ads on muni buses telling riders that holy war is not the only definition of jihad. the result? this parody unveiled today. >> using the actual words text and teaching that sanction violence. >>reporter: truth can always be twisted by those propagating hate. mine is trying to county the ads with words of peace.
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posted inside the buses. but outside on the sidewalk today the debate was heated. [ yelling] very intense out there today. tomorrow san francisco supervisor david chew will introduce a resolution which will put the city on record as opposing that month long ad campaign. in the newsroom, carolyn tyler abc 7 news. >> after spending 14 years in prison for crime he didn't commit oakland man has been set free now. here he is 38-year-old john williams leaving parole office last week after judge threw out his conviction for raping 9-year-old girl back in 19 nature. because the attacker called himself johnny the girls family identified william former neighbor as possible suspect and he was later convicted. but northern california innocence project had the girls clothing tested last year and found the dna evidence proving that it could not have been johnny williams so he's now a free man. >> sunnyvale man however faces
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homicide charges tonight after a triple fatal crash in daly city. 20-year-old dennis moss booked into the san mateo county jill. police say he was fleeing from the scene after he hit a car. when his car side swiped another vehicle. killing this young man. 14-year-old jose and his brother and their mother all killed. there is a growing street side tribute at the site of saturday accident on 100 block of east moore avenue not far from the exit on highway 280. and friends tonight remembering him as motivated teen. >> really good talker. and he was really smavrment had he honor roll class and he tried his best because he wants to good to college. >> the girlfriend was injured in the crash. she's recovering tonight in the hospital. >> the new police expert appointed to oversee court ordered reform in oakland started on the job today and his arrival is being met with cautious optimism by those
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hoping it will put an end to the bad blood between oakland police and much of the community it serves. nick smith has the story. >> not face with the kids. >> the guys in the barber shop discuss the crime that plague the neighborhood and way to keep the family safe. >> wasn't like that when i was coming up. >>reporter: debate over low cut and the perfect trim quickly shift to problem facing bt and many of the men he kno knows. racial profiling. >> the we can't just hang out and live life without being harass the. >> we have had real issues. >>reporter: john is one of the original attorneys who filed suit against the city and oakland police for charges of harassment and racial profilin profiling. the department agreed to court ordered reform 10 years ago. but last year after failing to meet many of those mandated reforms, federal judg decided a compliance director was needed to monitor further changes. that director is thomas frazier and he starts
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today. >> that's our obligation. thomas frazier had the capacity to did that. >> he's not the only one loo looking for results. >> well the balance is work of in progress if the city of oakland. >>reporter: refuse wren cummings is watching frazier too. in his role as community organizer he wants to find a balance between safe street and what he calls responsible policing. >> i think there's different kind of attitude. willingness to listen to the community and to be working if partnership. >>reporter: back at lucky barber shop the exclusion appears to be a simple as tight fade. >> i think we need more avenue and more areason a for to us get together to solve these problems. >>reporter: as compliance director frazier will earn annual salary of 2 70,000 dollars a year. also come with the authority to fire or demotel members of the police department. including the chief. at police headquarters
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this is 7 news. >> let's switch gear talk about the weather for a few minutes. son brought out a few people into the embarcadero in san francisco. felt like spring. walker. tourist. it was just a is in day to be outside. spencer is here to explain how long we can expect this nasty weather to last. >> okay not only feel like spring but san francisco standards felt better than summer. live doppler 7hd fog interthe coast and just a little bit of couple patches beginning to push through the golden gate out over the bay but generally skies clear rate now but today we had sunny skies even with the development of a little patches of coastal fog we had a really, really mild day. hers live view from the high definition roof top camera along the embarcadero and sampling of some of today high pressure around the bay area. 73 degrees in santa rosa. 69 in san francisco. 70 oakland. 72 cop cord. 74 in livermore and 75 degrees in santa cruz. it was nice and warm and as the week goes on it gets even warmer. i have the
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accu-weather 7 day forecast in a few minutes. >> thanks very much. see you shortly is that hackers have targeted several famous americans from hillary clinton to jay-z. posted the personal information on line. it includes social security numbers. mortgage accounts. bank account. credit card numbers. here's a look at all the celebrity hacked and leaked on to the web site including donald trump, kim kardashian, vice president joe biden and l.a. police chief charlie bec beck. >> we have our own guys here looking at it. we have guys that are very good at computer and computer forensic so it them take a lack at it and see. again jaws creepy thing people do every once in a while put police officer names family members names, address on web sites. just one of those things people do. >> fbi has now joined the investigation. >> california lawmakers want to crook down on doctors whose patients die from prescription drug over dose dids. tonight annette takes a look now from sacramento on the debate over
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whether doctors bear any responsibility in this. >> as a result alex is dead. i never will forget. >>reporter: one by one grieving parents tell joint committee on business and professions the horrible death their children suffered from over dozing on prescription drugs. doctors gave them. joe san are money took a road trip to l.a. from the arizona college because he an his friends knew of a pill mill that freely gave out prescription for cash. no questions asked. >> he was prescribed oxy-codeine tablet, 90 and sap ex pills first time ever to see the doctor. >>reporter: prosecutors trying to tie this case to dr. lisa sang who has so far been charged with 3 counts of murder. may involved in at least 19 deaths due to over prescribing narcotics. parents accuse the california medical board of being too lacks on
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doctors it's supposed to oversee. california medical board says it does investigate. problem is someone has to file a complaint first. >> complaints regarding prescription drug related offenses can be somewhat difficult for the board to obtain. >>reporter: due to pwinlt cuts outdated database called cures which flag doctors for too many prescriptions is down to only one person tracking the entire state. supporters say that could be funded by adding just 9 dollars a year to a doctor license. >> system need a stable source of sufficient funding. >>reporter: while showing pictures of the loved ones family rally outside the hearing calling for the elimination of the medical board and creation of more effective oversight. >> our nation is really truly in crisis. we have to make the steps and do what we need to did to change this to help our youth. >>reporter: by law existence of the calf medical board is set to expire next year but lawmakers have the power to keep it going. abc 7 news.
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>> we are just getting started this monday night. coming up here the new minimum wage now in effect in san jose. you may have voted for it. now you are being asked to help pay for it as well. >> bay area county ready to make those responsible for red rage against cyclist pay up. >> largest study of its kind. can aspirin lower the risk of skin cancer? and why heart disease may a normal sign of aging. stay with
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mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪
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[ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪
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shop at ♪ great news for member mum wage workers in san jose up to 9 dollars an hour but as david explains those workers may happy but some of the neighbors in nearby towns not so much. >> raising the minimum wage by 2 dollars is compared to an economic stimulus program. >> workers will be happier more productive won't be the same sort of retention problems and good for the whole economy of the region. >>reporter: but levs out people like edwin if he looks across the street at the san jose side of stevens creek boulevard. on his side in the city of santa clara he still makes 8 dollars an hour at the premier car wash. 6 lane boulevard turned into an economic divide. workers on the wrong side are envious.
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>> across the street over there in san jose if i work 2 block down i would make 10 dollars but whether can we do. >>reporter: instead of remaining workers san jose new wage law may create new competition for jobs. ryan walker startedorking starving musician on santa clara side of stevens creek like the job store and co-workers but he could be working for 10 dollars instead of 8. >> music store the across the street when i was aplaying for the job i would have applied for that one. >>reporter: 2 dollars to sneeze at. >> definitely. >>reporter: another wrinkle caused by the 10 dollar minimum wage. landscape employee paid based on how much the day spent in san jose. >> so it becomes kind of a paperwork accounting nature mayor especially when you are working all over the bay area and having to have different rates. >>reporter: unlevel playing field gives san jose workers an edge over people who do the same job across city limits.
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manager of the car wash talked to us if we agreed not to show his face or identify him. >> they say we raise it because it's more expensive but doesn't make any sense. some people live in santa clara and work in san jose. make more money but the rent still the same everywhere. >>reporter: out of fairness some employers may pyer the higher 10 dollar rate even if not required to. in san jose, abc 7 news. >> national football league is taking a hard look at concussions. today the nfl announced teaming up with top neurologist to better diagnosis and treat traumatic brain injuries. one of the doctors is the chief of neurosurgery at san francisco general hospital. he says the 60 million dollar research project may develop new protective gear for players. work already upped which for quick side line blood test to detect whether a player has suffered a cop concussion. >> there is a brain specific protein called gsa p that is released when you sustain traumatic brain injury. so what we have demonstrated is
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that the release of the protein can be detected in the blood. >>reporter: the nfl has been under increasing pressure to do something about cop concussions on the field. 3-year-old study found almost 200,000 teenagers are hospitalized every year with sports relited brain injuries. >> well sometimes volatile relationship between bicyclist an motherist may took an interesting turn in sonoma county. tomorrow the board of supervisors will consider a proposed ordinance that would make it easier for cyclist and pedestrians to sue those who deliberately threaten and harass them out on the road. this proposal being fueled by bicycle length advocate and series of recent crashes that ird sky or killed cyclist and pedestrian. however also aforward the same rights to motorist threatened by cyclist cyclists. so it works in reverse as well. consider this tomorrow nature. >> all right. spencer is here feels like spring almost like summer. absolutely gorgeous weather. >> may remain this way until spring officially arrives which
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happens next week. here's a look at live doppler 7 hd rate now. clear skies for the most part as we have throughout the day. see some little areas of fog along the coast line. in fact, filling in very nicely now along much of the coast lean and some patches of fog drifting across the bay locally inland but for the most part inland area under clear skies right now as it appears to be clear right now we look along embarcadero from the roof top camera at abc 7. current temperature readings 51 in san francisco. 53 oakland. san jose check ins at 57 degrees. cool in half moon bay. cooler. 48 degrees. another panel of current temperature readings 50 degrees at santa rosa. 60 at livermore which is pretty mild and 55 degrees at union city. now let's check out our forecast feature. we see fog along the coast and some patches of fog moving locally inland across the bay but not wide spread. warmer days than today even on tuesday and wednesday and then we start to get a little bit cooler weather
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in the middle of the week. not as cool as peak warmth occurring tuesday and wednesda wednesday. pacific satellite image shows a large ridge of high pressure deflecting the jet stream well to our north. some cloud out there but mainly clear skies here for the bay area over the next several days and the warming trend which has begun already will continue through much of the week. let's take a look at our over nature low again patchy fog is likely and some of it could linger to the early morning hours so visibility for early morning commuters may locally diminished in some spot. low pressure mainly mid upper 40's then tomorrow high will sore again. fork animation starting 5:00 o'clock in the morning. notice the fog quickly disappears by midmorning gone. sunny sky high from 60's at the keingt to 70's inland. in the south bay mid 70's at santa clara and sap peninsula. low mid 70's with palo alto, mountain view, on the coast. pacifica to half moon bay. downtown san francisco will top out at 70
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degrees today. 64 in the sun set district. up in the north bay numerous mid 70's at calistoga. santa rosa. sonoma. napa on the east bay lack for high of 72 at oakland san leandro and newark. inland east bay walnut creek 75. 77 at pleasanton. 78 at livermor livermore. here's the accu-weather 7 day forecast. by wednesday we see high pressure inland in the low 80's upper 70's around the bay. mid upper 60's on the coast. temperatures will gradually taper off we approach the weekend but not dr. mat klichlt still mild over the weekend with high in the 70's and inland bayshore locations. up to about 60 on the coast. so this sprinkling weather remains with us if fix weak and spring officially begins on the 20th. so 9 days away. >> oh, wow! >> feels like it's here already is that i'm ready nice thank you very much. >> come up here. seattle bar becomes first to prosecute hibt google glasses. so will others
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to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. subpoena. >> mayor of new york city says he will appeal after a june struck down the city pay nearing ban on large size sugar drinks. recalling came down today just hours before the ban was to go into effect. state supreme court judge determined the escape ounce element on soda and other sugar drinks is too arbitrary. >> researchers at stanford say taking aspirin may reduce the risk of melanoma in women. they studied 60 thousandths post menopause women for 12 years. found the women who took regular doses of aspirin
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lowered the risk of melanoma by at least 20 percent. researchers believe inflammation plays a big role in cancer development app aspirin of course is an anti-inflammatory drug but caution aspirin a day certainly noise guarantee that you will get melanoma but it may help prevent it. >> new findings show that heart disease was around long before fast-food was. whole body scan of 137 mummy revealed some had heart and vascular disease. diet and active lifestyle presumably would have lowered the risk all those century ago but it didn't. researchers say this means that heart disease may a natural part of again not associated with aging and not associated with any specific diet or lifestyle. just part of us getting older. findings were reported at the american college of cardiology meeting going on in san francisco. >> google eye glasses won't be able to consumer for months still but there's at least one
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bar where the eye wear will not be welcome. mark miller has the story now from seattle. >>reporter: how would you feel if somebody could walk in a bar with a pair of glasses that pretty much looked like real glasses except they could record everything you are doing and saying? >> someone could record you doing something you really wouldn't want them to see. >>reporter: things like drinking. hitting on somebody. maybe getting a little rowdy. small sample of the things that go on in the 5 point cafe. >> one of the places you go late at night or early morning. don't necessarily want people to know you are here. >> take the a picture. >>reporter: concern is about an you up come device called google glachlts eye frame let users surf the internet. take pictures and record video all by voice command. >> i thought it was interesting until i saw them. >>reporter: 5 point owner explained by phone why he's declared a ban on this high tech eye wear. >> people come into a bar especially a bar like the 5 point and have some expect tags
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of brave situation. >>reporter: this is one of those bars with lots of character and eclectic crowd. musician to poll significance, cops to hookers, according to the owner david minor. >> just has a bit of a seedy nare and private they think so we don't want someone in there with a camera. >>reporter: we don't know when the 1500 dollar devices will be available to the general public this bar is choose to go make a preemptive strike against google glass. in seattle, mark miller k o m o 4 news. >> more at 9:00. we continue final count down hours from no now. process of select ago new pope will begin as the secret conclave gathers. will americans check up the outcome. >> queen of england strike a mr. for equal rights in britain. you will hear from her tonight. something that can be rear. >> sure earthquake disrupt our planet but now they are being felt in space. get that story.
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stay with us 7 news
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lucky charms?! ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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>> in just 5 hours cardinals will enter the sistine chapel n.e. electricitying the new pope. this is a vatican in vatican city and will medley assume his role. new shoe for the man selected to walk in the shoes of saint peter the fisherman and new robe. there is no front runner and no indication how long the voting will last but as josh el i don't want explains some american cardinal with getting some attention. >> take we got a glimpse of what the 115 voting cardinals would see as they entered the halls of the sistine chapel.
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courtesy of vatican tv. history of the halls overshadowed by the vote that will take place within them tomorrow. yesterday the cardinal led mass at the local churches around rome. for one it would be his final mass before becoming pope. the might that pope be cardinal timothy do lap of new york and he has become a darling of the italian press or might the pope be cardinal o'malley of boston. humble robe and leadership in the wake of the nationwide sexual abuse scandalen deared him to fellow electtor. neither claim to weren't the job. >> too out of the realm of probability. >> i have bought a round trip ticket so. >>reporter: sipe of race with no clear front runner. >> cardinal o'malley and dolan quite popular in italy. already sort of tan club around the 2 of them. >> still the 28 italian cardinal represent by far the biggest voting block by
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national. and true to form thought to be pushing for italian pope. >> multitude of language that we hear today in saint peter square suggest on the eve of the conclave vatican city is not italy. the world catholic are arriving to seat election of new pope. first time they may see the pope from latin north america. >>reporter: brazil or cardinal of canada. 2 candidates backed by faction of traditional who work in the vatican. working for somebody who has executive skills. talk about jesus with an mba. >>reporter: historic election with the church at cross roads particularly in the united states. in fact in new news "washington post"poll overwhelming number of american catholic disapprove of the church handling of the sex abuse scandal. in addition t criticism shared worldwide, of the secret and allegedly corrupt vatican banking system. what cost the church need and where does it need to go. >> one thing is certain. race
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is wide open. with all eye on the chimney. as rome awaits tomorrow. >> josh abc news vatican city. >> fascinating process. now afghanistan 5 nato troops died tonight in a helicopter crash in southern afghanistan. we now know we only know that no enemy activity was spotted in that area. the troops are most likely american or british. now earlier in the day afghan officer fired on american troops killed 2 and injured nearly a dozen more just as the new american defense secretary made a visit to that war torn naichlingts martha has more open that. >> attack unrelenting. suicide bomb in kabul this weekend. attack at military base on friday. and today the deadly machine gun assault by an afghan police officer claiming the lives of those 2 americans. the attack happened just outside this village in the province where we once patrol
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with u.s. soldiers. last year 35 americans were killed in 46 attacks by afghan forces. but today u.s. forces shot and killed 2 afghan civilians who drove too close to u.s. convo convoy. u.s. major was caught parading one of the soldiers. after the shooting. berating. all of the incidents taking a toll. >> does start to affect the trust of both side working together. simple as that. >>reporter: the violence cast a very big shadow on the first visit of the new secretary of defense chuck hagel as did the stunning comments from afghan president karzai karzai claim that the u.s. and taliban were in effect working together to destabilize his country. an cushion that outraged many in the u.s. and shows that transitioning out of afghanistan is no easy task. martha, abc news, washington. >> navy plane crashed east of
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spokane, washington today killing all 3 crew members on board. aerial view of the crash site show as largely creator in farm field surrounded by blacken vegetation. one man heard the crash. >> he heard a boom. shook the house pretty hard. saw a lot of debris crossing the field. it was a lot of debris. lots of it. >>reporter: the plane was on a training mission. crew was flying an ea 6 b prowler when this happened. >> susan rice u.s. ambassador to the united nations reportedly the top choice to become the president's national security advisor later this year. it is a great achievement if it happens for rice. she was forced to withdraw her name from consideration for the secretary of state position after republicans accused her of incompetence and dishonesty in the days after the benghazi attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. current advisor tom done lon expected to have i
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indicate the position later this year. earthquake in japan two years ago was so big it was actually felt at the edge of space. scientist say seismic waves from earthquake not only travel through the earth but also cause the planet to vibrate. kind of like a drum. this produces sound waves of course that travel through the atmosphere. the satellite designed to capture and register these signals. scientist say it picked up the ripple of sound from the magnitude 9 point 0earthquake that hit japan. >> well today the people of sky pan observed moment of silence remembering the second an averse ri of the earthquake and tsunami that took 19,000 lives. our reporter looks back at the devastation and at the recovery still under way. >>reporter: emotion well up at 2:46 two years to the moment the ground shook and the ocean came crashing in. the country stood in silence to remember.
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memorial service in tokyo, therd members in prayer. accelerate the reconstruction process and recovery has been painfully slow along japan northeast coast. communities swallowed by the deadly tsunami still haven't begun rebuilding. construction has been stalled by red tape 300,000 people remain in temporary homes. frustration is growing. i'm starting to wonder if we will ever return this man says. community that surround the nuclear plant are a dead zone. 12 mile radius cordeny off by check points because of high radiation levels. we went in for a short visit driving through abandoned roads. past collapsed homes and this school located just miles from the reactors. most striking about walking through this building is to see how little has changed in the last two years. in fact that sipe up there is a
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graduation sign from the week the earthquake hit. at the nuclear plant 3000 workers are bussed in to lay the ground work for decade long process to decommission it. start removing fuel rods from one reactor this fall. this weekend thousands rally to call for an topd nuclear power. most of sky pan 50 reactors remain idle but prime minister has already pushed to restart them. this is abc news, japan. >> cheryl sand berg getting cheers and engineers tonight. facebook executive not backing down. coming up. closer lock at why she's suddenly in the [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster.
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♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. ♪ the one and only, cheerios dad: you excited for day? ♪ dad: you'll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty. ♪ i'm overprotective. that's why i got a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> britain queen elizabeth made
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historic bold pledge today to fight discrimination against women and other minority groups. in her first public appearance since being hospitalized with a stomach bug the queen signed the commonwealth charter which affirmed her opposition to discrimination based on gender, race and political beliefs. gays not specifically referenced but the language does hint at protection. protection for sexual orientation as well jeans. >> now i have for the first time a single document that captures the core value and aspiration of the commonwealth and all its members. it will light the path of all those involved in the work of commonwealth and of those who follow in our foot steps. >> british newspaper columnist call the pledge a water shed moment for the monarch. first time in 61 year reign she called attention to gender equality and gay rights. what while we talk about women rights most powerful women in the world. and today
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facebook chief operating officer cheryl sand pwering release add book on how other women can take steps to succeed in the workplace. here's jonathan bloom. >> she's on the cover of "time"magazine. featured guest on katie. >> please welcome cheryl. >> ceo getting a lot of attention for her book called lean in. that offers advice to women on climbing the ladder of success. >> no matter how much progress women have made we are very far from having our share of the leadership roles in any industry anywhere in our country or anywhere in the world. >>reporter: sand berg 43 is among the exceptions. woman in a position of corporate power. women attain more than half of college degree but still make up only 4 percent of fortune 500 ceo. sand berg suggest it's because society is still biased against women who take charge. we call our daughters bossy not our sons. need to change this and look at our daughter and say she has
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executive leadership skills. she offers suggestion for women who weren't to climb the corporate ladder and avoid losing the foot egg when they decide to start a message. >> advance as much as you can so you can negotiate a position that is favorable to work family balance when you come to it. >>reporter: will you professor joan williams who studies the balance says advice is sound and equally important is the attention she's getting. >> it's reigniting the feminist movement. >>reporter: also igniting controversy among those who feel the corporate deck is stacked against women. >> instead of saying that doesn't work for women and it won't work and let's change the system she is kind of going backwards and saying let's change you instead. >> sand berg frees the rules need to change but so does the attitude. >> try to change the conversation around grim what we can't do to what we can. >>reporter: in san francisco, jonathan bloom abc 7 news. >> all right coming up on 7 news at 9:00. self described
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nerdy boss who learns dance moves from the employee then mo[ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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>> spring not yet sprung but feels like it. spencer back to update the forecast. >> feels lake it dan. live doppler 7hd coastal fog tonight. pushing locally across the bay but skies mainly clear. tomorrow sunny skies across the entire state. mild to warm. virtually everywhere and that includes the bay area with high pressure continue climbing tomorrow mid to upper 70's in our inland location. low to mid 70's around the bay and low to mid 60's on the coast. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast by wednesday. well see inland high in the low yichlts almost 80 around the bay. mid upper 60's on the coast. temperatures gradually taper off approaching the
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weekend but still remain mild. we have some lovely sprinkling weather ahead. enjoy this week. not many like this. >> this is nice thanks very much? we have a piece of video we want to show that you might make your night. self described big nature nerd taking dance lessons from younger members of the calf conservation corps and teacher definitely been paying attention. watch. if ♪ the [ music played] get it get it. [ screaming]. >> that's not bad. when they aren't dancing all 3 are doing a lot of trail building, habitat restoration and tree planting. he has the skills to pay the bills. >> has it working. that's right. you see that up in the
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sports department every night. a little mark jackson. >> i have to document this. >> i saw the video. it will be on the jon stewart show in 5 nu. ring. west coast title conference to their title conference to their resume. go
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. >> coming up you tonight 7 news at 11:00 o'clock. 2-year-old girl tied up with tape because she would not take a nap. the day care incident being investigated now by police. >> just few hours catholic cardinal as we have reported will begin select ago new pope. tonight how the san francisco diocese is welcoming the members into the: clarify process. those story and more coming 7 news at 11:00. for the moment sports director larry back from a nice vacatio vacation. >> it was very nice. thought about you every nature at 9:00 o'clock. >> i'll bet. glad you weren't with us.
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>> i'm on the beach while he's at work. last time curry faced the knicks went for 54 points in madison square garden. warriors hosting new york. seventh lit them up again. about celebrating indian culture and cinema. anthony back from 3 game absence from a knee injury. on slot begins. top of the key. second quarte quarter. corner jumper. making it rain curry. 17 in the first hachlt 26 with seconds left. third quarter warriors and nice reverse. 6 62-40 golden state. local legend jason kidd with off nature. bad miss on the 3 and lee busting out. 21 points 10 rebound. big hack by smith on barns. that's a playing in anti-2 and automatic ejection. warriors cruising behind lee whose knee healed up. warriors
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rolling with just seconds left in the game. st. mary's has 27 twhains should be enough to earn a bid to the tournament. now tonight they had a chance to lock up automatic birth but gonzaga no. 1 in the country too good. west coast title pat riley and heat and along with hall of famer stockton gonzaga legend. brad starting things off nicely with the jam. national player of the year. oh, my. that was goal tending but called good basket any way. st. mary's star scored 2 points. one of 8 shooting. only bucket of the nye. right there jordan page. the knee buckle. no confirmation but i tell you you worry about the acl when you see. that page had to be helped off the court. and some of the erred after that here by the zag. the steal. the dunk. with authority. john stockton with the dish. 18 point 10 rebound.
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zag show why they are no. 1 in the nation. 65-51 the final. st. mary's will now have to wait it out on selection sunday. third time in the past 4 years cal player named pack 12 player of the year. this time it's junior guard allen crab. led the league in scoring 19 points per game and also guiding cal to 20 and 10 over all record. crab now jones randall and guiteirez as recent goal to capture player. old timers leak kidd in the knicks highlight and shawn lambly. >> could be on a list with titles players who went in the past for me to be there. it's just a great feeling. my team mates really have kind of nope me this year. i got to thank them for pushing me to be the best i can be. >> i'm excited for hit. he deserved it. earned it. he did a lot for us. i feel in like he really deserved it. >> we know who weren't be playing quarterback for cal this


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